(News clipping, source unknown, likely published 1902 or 1903)

A very successful entertainment was given on Empire Day by Miss Phoebe Hartt and the pupils of her school. The programme for the evening was as follows: song, Rally Around the Flag, by scholars; recitation, Empire Day, by scholars; song, The Maple Leaf Forever, by scholars; recitation, A Boy’s Plea, by Clarence Robinson; recitation, Whistling in Heaven, Nellie Lamont; song, The Union Jack, by scholars; recitation, Red White and Blue, Nellie Brown; recitation, The Olden Flag, by John and Ethel Lamont; solo and chorus, He Sleeps in the Transvaal To Night, by Frank Nixon; recitation, After the Battle, Alma McBrine; recitation, A Boy’s Lecture, by John Lamont; recitation, The Lion of England, by scholars; song, Red White and Blue, by scholars; recitation, The Fate of the Grumbler, by Norman Brown; recitation, Canada’s Proud Position, by scholars; song, My Own Canadian Home, by scholars; recitation by six girls; recitation by Hazel Brown and Bessie Haynes; song and chorus, Down Where the Sugar Maple grows; recitation, To a Canadian Boy, Ethel Lamont; recitation, Tail Twister, by Mildred Dingee; song, The Old Oaken Bucket, by scholars; recitation, The New Church Organ, by Ethel Lamont; quartette Tenting To Night, God Save the King … a vote of thanks was given to the teacher and the scholars for their successful concert. Following the concert a pie social … and the sum of thirty-one dollar … lized. The proceeds were dev……. the Presbyterian minister’s sa …….