Carleton County - Genealogy, Family History & Heritage

UPDATE - 02 March 2025 - This site now provides a partial genealogy of more than 10,400 individuals connected to Carleton County, as well as details of 113 cemeteries in the county.

Carleton County, in the province of New Brunswick, Canada, was established in 1831 from York County. It was named for Thomas Carleton (1736-1817), brother of Sir Guy Carleton, and first lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick. Carleton County included all of Victoria County until 1844. The County is located along the upper Saint John River, and abuts the State of Maine, United States.

The information presented here has been compiled from various sources including cemetery monuments, records from the Archives of New Brunswick, published Canadian census records, "A History of the Glassville Settlement", other publicly available information, and information provided by site visitors. (Persons born within the past 100 years with no known date of death are not displayed to protect the privacy of living person.) To view photographs of people, places and general life in the area, visit the main Glassville website by clicking the link at the top of the page.

The photographers who have given permission for their cemetery photographs to be used on the site are acknowledged with gratitude.

Occasional assumptions have been made in compiling this data and some errors in interpreting data may be present. Please report any errors or concerns by clicking the "Contact Us" link below. Documents and photos may be submitted by clicking HERE.

The data for this site is maintained in Family Tree Maker®, and is presented for web viewing using TNG - The Next Generation of Genealogy Sitebuilding® hosted on a Raspberry Pi® model 4B.

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