Glassville (Carleton Co.): A Retrospective History of Its Rise and Progress by Marchmont – The Glassville colony was originally planted by the late Rev. C.G. GLASS in the years 1860 and 1861. The first settlers were from Scotland, St. John’s. King’s, Queens’, York and Carleton counties, N.B. and from Halifax, N.S. Not a few of those who first took up land here, soon became dissatisfied, sold out and left for the U.S. &c. Those who originally came out from Scotland under Mr. Glass, and those who moved in here to join the Colony from other quarters in the earlier years of the decade who remained on their farms and whose representative family members are still with us were: Jeremiah JOYNER and wife, from Scotland – both deceased- and family, all of the latter still residing on the original family properties and on the old McIntosh place recently purchased by them. Donald McINTOSH and wife, from Scotland – the former deceased – and family, three of the sons married and living in Glassville, one in Bristol and two in the U.S.; Mrs. John MILLER from Scotland – deceased – and sons John MILLER, David MILLER and Alexander MILLER, who shortly afterwards left for the U.S.; not long afterwards Mrs. Miller’s two other sons, Hugh MILLER, the first store keeper in Glassville and one of the most successful business men in Carleton Co., with wife and family, from Queens Co., and Robert MILLER, with wife and family from St. John, the latter lately leaving for the U.S. William LOVE and wife. the present genial host and hostess of the Glassville House, originally from Scotland, with family, immediately from St. John; George REID of Irish extraction, and wife, the former deceased, with family from St. John, still on the old homestead; John SIMPSON, Scotch, Jos. PEARSON, English, Angus McDIARMID, Scotch, James SIMPSON, Scotch, who afterwards studied medicine and became a distinguished practitioner at Harvey, where he died – with wives and families – from Kings Co. – Joseph PEARSON and wife and Angus McDIARMID, deceased. Later on the Scottish emigrants under Mr. Glass, included amongst others, Hector McINTOSH and John McINTOSH – the latter deceased, but leaving two sons still in the settlement; James ADAMS -now deceased – and wife with family still on the old homestead; Alexander McDONALD and family; Alexander BROWN – deceased – and family, still on the old homestead; James WILSON and William WILSON and wives – all deceased – with families still residing on the original family properties; James ELLIOTT with wife and family; Thomas ALLAN and Robert ALLAN, both deceased; Elizabeth BREWSTER, now Mrs. Robert GRAY; Murdoch McKENZIE and Alexander McKENZIE, with wife and families; Alexander WALKER – deceased; John CRIGHTON with wife and family and Edward MARTIN with wife. These immigrants were about the same time joined by James LAWSON, Scotch and wife, from York Co. – the first postmaster in the district; by Daniel DERRAGH, Irish, deceased – with wife and family, from a neighboring parish.; By Robert MONTGOMERY, Robert BOYLE, Roger GILLAN, G. BREWSTER, all Irish, and with wives and families, mostly residing on the old homesteads; James GRAY, Robert GRAY and Peter GRAY, Scotch, followed shortly afterwards by their father Peter GRAY, deceased – all these last (Scotch) from Kings and Queens Counties. By Richard WOOD and George RELEADER with wives and Isaac DOHERTY, Thomas DOHERTY and Joseph DOHERTY with wives and families from Richmond; By Benjamin LOVELY with wife and family from Florenceville; By Andrew BRICKNELL, Harry LAMONT and William LAMONT, all Scotch, with wives and families from Halifax, N.S. These were followed, at intervals, by Andrew SPENCE, wife and family from Scotland – the two first deceased – their son Andrew, with wife and family being still on the old homestead; By William TOVEY, Welsh, with wife and family from Richmond – the two first deceased, and the latter still in possession of the old homestead; By Robert BLACK and wife, the latter deceased – with family, from Scotland; By John RONALD, Scotch, and wife – the latter deceased with family, from St. John; By John McLAUGHLIN, Scotch, with wife and family from Kings Co.; By Richard POART, English, with wife and family, from Woodstock; By William LYON, with wife and family, from Scotland; By John MILLIE, Scotch, with wife and family from Westmorland; By Archibald SCOTT and wife, from St. John – followed by his parents, and his brothers and sisters – three of his brothers, being still farmed in this and the neighboring settlement of Esdraelon.
Date March 15 1893
County Carleton
Place Glassville
Newspaper The Glassville News and Aberdeen and Kent Pioneer
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 86 Number 773