Carleton County - Genealogy, Family History & Heritage
Surname List: Begins with K
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All surnames beginning with K, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. KAYE (2) 2. KEARNEY (23) 3. KEDDY (1) 4. KEENAN (6) 5. KEIRSTEAD (3) 6. KELLEY (8) 7. KENNARD (3) 8. KENNEDY (1) |
9. KENNEY (22) 10. KENNY (5) 11. KENT (2) 12. KERMOTT (1) 13. KERR (11) 14. KERRIGAN (1) 15. KETCH (34) 16. KID (1) |
17. KIDNEY (9) 18. KILCOLLINS (31) 19. KILFOIL (46) 20. KILPATRICK (14) 21. KIMBALL (4) 22. KINDON (2) 23. KING (5) 24. KINLOCH (1) |
25. KINNEY (113) 26. KIRBY (1) 27. KIRK (1) 28. KIRKPATRICK (1) 29. KITCHEN (1) 30. KITSON (1) 31. KNIGHT (1) 32. KNORR (1) |
33. KNOWLTON (1) 34. KNOX (2) 35. KROCHENSKI (1) 36. KRUCKEBERG (1) 37. KYLE (4) |