Carleton County - Genealogy, Family History & Heritage
Hallett Loyalist Cemetery, Hartland, Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada
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Located in Hartland, Carleton County. Hartland is located on E side of the St. John River across from Somerville, 3.92 km SSE of Simonds: Brighton Parish, Carleton County: William Francis Ganong identified the Maliseet name for this area as Abekaguim\'ek or \"salmon bed\": PO Becaguimic 1852-1868: in 1866 Becaguimic was a farming community with about 80 families: renamed Hartland in 1868 for James R. Hartley (1833-1868), a Member of the Legislative Assembly for Carleton County: PO Hartland from 1868: in 1871 Hartland had a population of 400: in 1898 Hartland was the commercial centre of an extensive agricultural district, a station on the Canadian Pacific Railway and a village with 1 post office, 12 stores, 3 hotels, 1 sawmill, 1 woodworking factory, 1 cheese factory, 4 churches and a population of 400: Hartland was incorporated as a town in 1918: Hartland is the site of the longest covered bridge in the world. (Archives of New Brunswick)