Carleton County - Genealogy, Family History & Heritage

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 Buckley Cemetery, Holmesville, Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada

PLEASE NOTE! We are not affiliated with this cemetery. We cannot do name lookups, fix headstones, buy/sell gravesites, do graveside services, enforce cemetery rules, etc. Click on the pin in the map to get driving directions from Google Maps.

Latitude: 46.57817, Longitude: -67.61942 | Click to get directions to Buckley Cemetery

The Buckley Cemetery is located on the north side of Rt. 565 in Holmesville. This land was the lower corner of the land grant of Moses Holmes, Jr. About 2 1/4 miles from Bath Center go North on Rt. 105, the River Rd. Take the Cahill Rd. on the right all the way to the end where it comes to a four way intersection known as Hall's Corner. Directly across this four way is the Doherty Rd., and left and right is Rt. 565. Take a left or West on Rt. 565 for approx two tenths of a mile. Look for house #1032 on the right or North side of Rt. 565. Just a few feet beyond the house, there is a tractor path on the same house side that is passable by vehicle that passes over a small stream (bridged) and straight ahead maybe 100 yards. There is a grassy clearing and a view towards Moose Mt. over the potato field. There is a line of trees to the right and what few stones there are to be seen. The entire clearing in general is the cemetery area, stones or not, and it is estimated there should be at a very minimum of 30 burials here. Among many others buried here, it is most assuredly the resting place of Moses Holmes, Jr. and his wife Olive Bubar the original owners of this land.

All Burials - Buckley Cemetery, Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. BUBAR, Olive   ABT 1799  Marysville, York, New Brunswick, Canada  AFT 1881  Holmesville, Kent, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1881 I18817
2. HARTSGROVE, Hiram   1846  Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  9 JAN 1930  Moose Mountain, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  11 JAN 1930 I18193
3. HARTSGROVE, John   15 FEB 1846  Wicklow, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  UNKNOWN  Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  UNKNOWN I18186
4. HARTSGROVE, Leonard SR   27 JAN 1868  Moose Mountain, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  30 NOV 1929  Moose Mountain, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1929 I18244
5. HOLMES, Eleanor   10 SEP 1850  Holmesville, Kent, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  7 DEC 1938  Giberson Settlement, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  DEC 1938 I18825
6. HOLMES, Frances Bubar   13 SEP 1819  Bristol, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  2 MAR 1919  Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1919 I20505
7. HOLMES, Hiram   1822  Bristol, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  26 JUL 1890  Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  JUL 1890 I18815
8. HOLMES, Moses 3rd   ABT 1789  Kingsclear, York, New Brunswick, Canada  1 AUG 1880  Holmesville, Kent, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1880 I18816
9. KINNEY, Asa   ABT 1819  Greenfield, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  16 APR 1881  Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1881 I15638
10. KINNEY, Edmund" Edward"   1807  Oromocto, Sunbury, New Brunswick, Canada  4 FEB 1885  Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1885 I20504
11. KINNEY, Eunice   10 DEC 1852  Greenfield, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  3 MAY 1940  Moose Mountain, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1940 I18194
12. KINNEY, Ruth   11 NOV 1851  Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  UNKNOWN  Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  UNKNOWN I18187
13. KINNEY, Samuel   10 OCT 1853  Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  UNKNOWN  Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  UNKNOWN I19772
14. KINNEY, Stephen A.   15 DEC 1858  Mineral, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1 MAR 1934  Holmesville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  MAR 1934 I18160
15. RUFF, Jane   12 SEP 1861  Kent, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  14 NOV 1928  Fort Fairfield, Aroostook, Maine, USA  1928 I18121