Carleton County - Genealogy, Family History & Heritage
Highlands Baptist Church Cemetery, Glassville, Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada
PLEASE NOTE! We are not affiliated with this cemetery. We cannot do name lookups, fix headstones, buy/sell gravesites, do graveside services, enforce cemetery rules, etc. Click on the pin in the map to get driving directions from Google Maps.

Photo courtesy Carrie Gascoigne ©2015
Highlands Baptist Church in Aberdeen Parish, Carleton County, was established on property at the north-east corner of Lot 69, granted to the Trustees by Angus and Elizabeth McDiarmid (McDermid) in 1886. Highlands was the name give to the settlement area around the intersection of the Knowlesville Road and Route 107 (the Bristol Road). The Church was dedicated in 1891, but was demolished in 1935, having sat vacant for a number of years. The cemetery, also on land deeded by the McDiarmids, is on the south-east corner of Lot 69, and continued to be used until the 1940s. There are about 8 identified monuments reclaimed from the woods, although there are known to have been more burials. The late Judson M. Corey’s book The Story of Knowlesville (1985, ISBN 0969217609) at p.235-236 included a list of interments compiled by Myrtle Hemphill from newspapers and records at the Archives of New Brunswick. Some graves were either never marked or only had wooden markers which have since disintegrated. The cemetery is located on the east side of the Knowlesville Road, about 400 meters south of the intersection. It is described as follows: “There is no sign to identify this cemetery which lies just inside a heavily wooded area immediately past farmed fields. The entrance (and the well-kept portion of the yard) is approximately the width of a car.”