Carleton County - Genealogy, Family History & Heritage

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 People's Church Cemetery, Somerville, Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada

PLEASE NOTE! We are not affiliated with this cemetery. We cannot do name lookups, fix headstones, buy/sell gravesites, do graveside services, enforce cemetery rules, etc. Click on the pin in the map to get driving directions from Google Maps.

Latitude: 46.29005, Longitude: -67.53076 | Click to get directions to People's Church Cemetery
People's Church Cemetery

Somerville is located on west side of the St. John River, 3.92 km NNW of Victoria Corner, on the road to Simonds: Wakefield Parish, Carleton County: PO 1866-1916: in 1871 it had a population of about 100: in 1898 Somerville was a settlement with 1 post office, 1 church and a population of 200. ((c)

Photo copyright Norman DeMerchant, used with permission