Carleton County - Genealogy, Family History & Heritage

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 Victoria Corner Cemetery, Victoria Corner, Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada

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Latitude: 46.1526, Longitude: -67.57431 | Click to get directions to Victoria Corner Cemetery
Victoria Corner Cemetery

Located on W side of the St. John River, 3.71 km N of Wakefield, on the road to Somerville: Wakefield Parish, Carleton County: PO Victoria from 1850: in 1866 Victoria Corner was a farming community with approximately 70 families: in 1871 it had a population of 350: in 1898 Victoria Corner had 1 post office, 1 store, 1 shoe factory and tannery, 2 churches and a population of 250: formerly called Bowyers Corner for Charles Bowyer, who was an early settler here. (

Photo copyright Aaron Gullison. Used with permission

All Burials - Victoria Corner Cemetery, Victoria Corner, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)  Born Birth Place Died Death Place  Buried   Person ID 
1. BATES, Emily   ABT 1852    22 JUN 1935    1935 I18960
2. BOYER, Ada Maude   ABT 1869  Victoria Corner, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  29 MAY 1896  Victoria Corner, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  31 MAY 1896 I20593
3. BOYER, James William   3 DEC 1835  Wakefield, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  18 FEB 1902  Victoria Corner, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1902 I20592
4. BOYER, Russell Lamb   12 JUL 1873  Victoria Corner, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  21 JUL 1950  Hartland, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  23 JUL 1950 I18945
5. BOYER, Thomas Oliver   15 AUG 1834  Victoria Corner, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  23 DEC 1916  Hartland, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  DEC 1916 I18959
6. DROST, Quentin Roger   31 OCT 1979    25 NOV 1979    NOV 1979 I20330
7. GEE, Mary Jane   4 AUG 1870  Wicklow, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  18 OCT 1925  Victoria Corner, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  19 OCT 1925 I18946
8. HAMILTON, Rhoda Jane   15 MAR 1901  Brighton Parish, per 1901 Census, Brighton, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1981    1981 I19172
9. JENSON, James Hanson   1885  Moose Mountain, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1986    1986 I19171
10. JENSON, Stillman R.   16 SEP 1930  Moose Mountain, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  22 FEB 1943  Pole Hill, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  25 FEB 1943 I19174
11. LOVELY, Sarah Helen   14 SEP 1836  Peel, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  10 SEP 1912    SEP 1912 I20591
12. MCLEAN, Hazel Sherwood   13 JAN 1903  Waterville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1973    1973 I17476
13. SMITH, Katherine Anne   4 MAY 1949  Woodstock, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  7 MAR 2020  Credit Valley Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  2020 I20329
14. SOMERS, George Allister   13 MAY 1867  Victoria Corner, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  13 MAY 1949  Victoria Corner, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  1949 I16236
15. YORK, Ralph Joseph   14 DEC 1903  Victoria Corner, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  16 JUL 1946  Rosedale, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada  18 JUL 1946 I17475