Carleton County - Genealogy, Family History & Heritage
Glassville United Church Cemetery, Glassville, Carleton County, New Brunswick, Canada
PLEASE NOTE! We are not affiliated with this cemetery. We cannot do name lookups, fix headstones, buy/sell gravesites, do graveside services, enforce cemetery rules, etc. Click on the pin in the map to get driving directions from Google Maps.
Photo courtesy David Thompson ©2023
Glassville United Church Cemetery is located in Glassville village, Aberdeen Parish, Carleton County, at the intersection of Route 107 and Route 580. A Presbyterian Church was constructed on the site in 1867 by the Scottish settlers of the area. The congregation joined in the merger in 1925 which gave rise to the United Church of Canada. A new Church building was dedicated in March 1903 and closed after 105 years, in May 2008. The building was taken down in the fall of 2019. The cemetery is located behind and beside the location of the former church building on the east side of Route 580 just south of the intersection with Route 107.