Notes |
- Obituary:
Daniel F Johnson : Volume 95 Number 2285 Date : January 19, 1895
County : Carleton
Place : Woodstock
Newspaper : Carleton Sentinel
The late Mrs. John MILLIE, nee Isabella BAIN, was born at Dunfernline, Fifeshire, Scotland in August 1815. She was the d/o late Peter BAIN of Leslie, same county and niece of Sir William BAIN, R.N., who was knighted by the Queen on Granton Pier, Edinburgh, on the occasion of Her Majesty's first visit to Scotland. Sir William Bain was considered at the time' one of the ablest, as he certainly was the oldest naval officer on the eastern coast. He subsequently entered the service of the mercantile marine and became one of the distinguished steam navigators between Leith and London - finally commodore of the Steam Shipping Co.'s fleet. In due course the deceased was united in marriage to him who now mourns her loss, John MILLIE, a native of Monimail, Fifeshire. The fruit of this union was three children, the two eldest of whom died in Scotland. With her husband and youngest child, Peter BAIN, now married in Glassville (Carleton Co.) and an accountant of the firm Lynch Bros., she came to New York in 1853. The family remained in the States until 1859, when they came to Westmorland, N.B., where Mr. Millie was engaged in the service of the Westmorland Olive Freestone Co. Thence he removed to Glassville in June 1861 before Mr. Glass's settlers arrived here from Scotland. In Glassville Mr. Millie engaged in farming and has all along been considered an agriculturalist in excellent standing. Though himself a man of intelligence, energy and enterprise, a good deal of his success in life was undoubtedly owing to the management and shrewdness no less than to the co-operation of his deceased partner whose educational training in her youth was of a superior nature. For a year of two past Mrs. Millie's health had been gradually giving way. Some time age she met with an accident which no doubt hastened her end. She lingered on with brief intermissions of temporary sickness till early morn. Jan. 1st, when surrounded by her family circle, she peacefully fell asleep in Jesus. She leaves an aged husband, son and daughter. Mrs. Millie's remains were consigned to their last resting place Thursday afternoon, Jan. 3rd, Rev. J.K. Beairsto holding services at the house, church and grave. ******************** Daniel F. Johnson : Volume95Number2245 DateJanuary 5 1895 CountyCarleton PlaceWoodstock NewspaperCarleton Sentinel d. Glassville (Carleton Co.) Jan. 1st, Isabella B. MILLIE w/o John MILLIE, age 79, a native of Fifeshire, Scotland and one of the early settlers of Glassville, leaving a husband and son. **************************