Notes |
- Obituary:
Funeral services for Mrs. George A. Stephenson, who passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs. Henry Bielefeld in Milwaukee on Tuesday, were held at the home of her son, Scott Stephenson, 1812 Liberty Street, this city, Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Willis Hodgins read the Christian Science funeral services.
During the services, Mrs. Leslie Uecke and Ernest Bowman sang "No Night There" and Sometime We'll Understand." Miss Sadie Lewis accompanied on the piano.
The many beautiful flowers were cared for by Mrs. Joseph Frink, Mrs. Reuben Stephenson, Mrs. Wallace Lindsay, Mrs. Gust Disch, Miss Gertrude Jordan, Miss Marion Jordan and Mrs. John P. Johnson.
Carrying the casket to and from the funeral car were Fred Stephenson, Reuben Stephenson, John Johnson, Wallace Lindsay, Willis Hodgins and Fred Shemick.
Interment was made in Woodlawn cemetery.
The remains arrived in Marinette Thursday morning accompanied by Edward M. Ford and were taken directly to the Hansen & Onion funeral home and later in the day removed to the Stephenson home.
Those from away attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. George (Laura) Innes and son James; Mrs. Edna Ford and daughter Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs. Henry (Lucille) Bielefeld of Milwaukee and Mrs. Georgia Hambuechen of LaCrosse, WI. [ all above listed are her children]
Marinette EagleStar November 12, 1932 page 6
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 96 Number 227
Date September 14 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
R.E. STEPHENSON, Mrs. STEPHENSON and George A. STEPHENSON of Marinette, Wisconsin are visiting friends in this place. It is 17 years since Mr. Stephenson was in this, his native county.