Carleton County - Genealogy, Family History & Heritage

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401 Marriage notice:

m. Methodist Parsonage, Woodstock, 29th May, by Rev. C.H. Paisley, M.A., assisted by Rev. W. Dobson, Richard MANN / Miss Mary WATT, both of Aberdeen (Carleton Co.)

Date June 2 1877
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 42 Number 1768 
WATTS, Mary Matilda (I17549)
402 Marriage Notice:

m. Northampton (Carleton Co.), 18th ult., by Rev. F. Smallwood, Nathan ROGERS / Miss Elizabeth Ann HEMPHILL.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 10 Number 2332
Date January 5 1844
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper Weekly Chronicle

Death Notices:

d. Northampton (Carleton Co.) 28th ult., Eliza ROGERS w/o Nathan ROGERS, age 74, left six sons, two daughters.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 77 Number 1222
Date May 3 1890
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph


d. Northampton (Carleton Co.) 28th ult., Eliza ROGERS w/o Nathan ROGERS, age 71, left six sons, two daughters.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 75 Number 1222
Date May 3 1890
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
HEMPHILL, Elizabeth Ann (I19358)
403 Marriage Notice:

m. Northampton (Carleton Co.), 18th ult., by Rev. F. Smallwood, Nathan ROGERS / Miss Elizabeth Ann HEMPHILL.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 10 Number 2332
Date January 5 1844
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper Weekly Chronicle

Death Notices:

Northampton (Carleton Co.) March 8 - An old landmark has been removed by death of Nathan ROGERS, Sr., Thursday 5th inst. Mr. Rogers was born 79 years ago and is well known along the St. John river, having engaged extensively in lumbering and tow-boating. Mr. Rogers was one of a large family and leaves one brother and one sister. His remains were interred at Greenbank, Saturday.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 101 Number 2212
Date March 11 1896
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Dispatch

d. At his residence, Northampton (Carleton Co.) 5th inst., Nathan ROGERS, age 79 years, left six sons and two daughters.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 101 Number 1496

Date March 14 1896
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel


By the death of Nathan ROGERS, Northampton (Carleton Co.), at the advanced age of nearly 80 years, another of the oldest residents of the county has passed away. He was buried at Greenbank on Saturday.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 101 Number 1487
Date March 14 1896
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
ROGERS, Nathan (I19359)
404 Marriage Notice:

m. Parsonage, Woodstock, 28th ult., by Rev. H. McKeown, John Wesley BIGGAR, Aberdeen (Carleton Co.) / Miss Rebecca Elizabeth DAVIDSON, same place.

Date April 4 1874
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 35 Number 1659
DAVIDSON, Rebecca Elizabeth (I12152)
405 Marriage Notice:

m. Parsonage, Woodstock, 28th ult., by Rev. H. McKeown, John Wesley BIGGAR, Aberdeen (Carleton Co.) / Miss Rebecca Elizabeth DAVIDSON, same place.

Date April 4 1874
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 35 Number 1659 
BIGGAR, John Wesley (I12151)
406 Marriage Notice:

m. Thursday eve., 16th Aug., at residence of Christopher PARKER, Esq., Derby (North. Co.) by Rev. A.R.B. Shrewsbury, George ADAMS, Carleton Co. / Jane BRUCE, Blackville.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 54 Number 1625
Date August 29 1877
County Northumberland
Place Newcastle
Newspaper Union Advocate
ADAMS, George A. (I11197)
407 Marriage Notice:

m. Thursday eve., 16th Aug., at residence of Christopher PARKER, Esq., Derby (North. Co.) by Rev. A.R.B. Shrewsbury, George ADAMS, Carleton Co. / Jane BRUCE, Blackville.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 54 Number 1625
Date August 29 1877
County Northumberland
Place Newcastle
Newspaper Union Advocate 
BRUCE, Dorothy Jane (I11198)
408 Marriage Notice:

m. Wickham, Queens Co., James TILLEY, jr. / Sarah seventh d/o Bial BRIGGS.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 2 Number 1245
Date January 29 1822
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper The New Brunswick Royal Gazette


Death Notice:

d. March 30th, at home of her son-in-law, Pierce SMITH, Summerfield (Carleton Co.), Sarah TILLEY relict of James TILLEY, formerly of Sheffield (Sunbury Co.) She was 89 years 3 mos. 9 days old. She leaves one son, four daughters, 35 grandchildren, 58 great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. Sister Tilley was a member of the Methodist church for 62 years.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 75 Number 1183
Rank 160
Date April 19 1890
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
BRIGGS, Sarah (I20112)
409 Marriage Notice:

m. Wickham, Queens Co., James TILLEY, jr. / Sarah seventh d/o Bial BRIGGS.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 2 Number 1245
Date January 29 1822
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper The New Brunswick Royal Gazette 
TILLEY, James Jr. (I20111)
410 Marriage Notice:
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 101 Number 1615
Date May 16 1896
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

m. Glassville (Carleton Co.) at residence of John McINTOSH, Esq., uncle of the bride, May 6th, by Rev. J.K. Beairsto, John H. LAMONT, West Glassville / Jennie D. GILLESPIE d/o late William GILLESPIE and Isabel GILLESPIE of Argyle.
GILLESPIE, Janice Dawson (I10822)
411 Marriage Notice:
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 43 Number 2164

Date June 3 1878
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph

m. Bloomfield (Carleton Co.) 21st ult., by Rev. Robert S. Crisp, William DUFFIELD / Mrs. Annie Jane COWPERTHWAITE 
KIDNEY, Annie Jane (I12517)
412 Marriage Notice:
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 72 Number 2081
Date October 26 1889
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

m. At residence of bride's father, 17th inst., by Rev. J.K. Beairston, Harvey FISHER, West Glassville (Carleton Co.) / Barbara L. MILTON d/o Thomas MILTON, same place. 
FISHER, Harvey (I11064)
413 Marriage Notice:
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 72 Number 2081
Date October 26 1889
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

m. At residence of bride's father, 17th inst., by Rev. J.K. Beairston, Harvey FISHER, West Glassville (Carleton Co.) / Barbara L. MILTON d/o Thomas MILTON, same place. 
MILTON, Barbara L. (I11065)
414 Marriage Notice:
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 91 Number 362
Date June 16 1894
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

m. At residence of bride's father, 6th inst., by Rev. J.K. Beairsto, John B. LAMONT, West Glassville (Carleton Co.) / Ella M. McLACHLAN d/o John McLACHLAN, Esq., same place.


Death Notice;

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 95 Number 2482
Date April 27 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

d. Galssville (Carleton Co.) 20th, suddenly, of heart failure, Ella M. LAMONT w/o John LAMONT, age 29 years, left husband and infant son. 
MACLACHLAN, Ella (I12305)
415 Marriage Notice:
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 91 Number 362
Date June 16 1894
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

m. At residence of bride's father, 6th inst., by Rev. J.K. Beairsto, John B. LAMONT, West Glassville (Carleton Co.) / Ella M. McLACHLAN d/o John McLACHLAN, Esq., same place.

LAMONT, John Ritchie (I10860)
416 Marriage Notice:
m. By Rev. W. Orser, 23rd ult., Broadstreet TOMPKINS / Miss Isabella BANKS both of Brighton parish (Carleton Co.)
Date November 15 1856
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 16 Number 1128
Death Notice:
d. 23rd May, age 23 years 8 mos., Isabel TOMPKINS d/o William BANKS and Elizabeth BANKS. In Fall of 1856 she professed religion and was baptized by Rev. C.E. Bell. Soon after she was married to Broadstreet TOMPKINS son of one of the early settlers of Brighton parish (Carleton Co.), left husband, son, father, mother, brothers, sisters. Funeral following Tuesday (see verse)

Date June 26 1858
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 17 Number 1360 
BANKS, Isabel (I15550)
417 Marriage Notices:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 50 Number 988

Date February 11 1880
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper Weekly Telegraph

m. At residence of officiating clergymen, Rev. J.E. FLEWELLING, 29th ult., Samuel RITCHIE / Eleanor McKAY d/o James McKAY, Sr. both of Greenfield, Wicklow Parish (Carleton Co.)


Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 95 Number 2298

Date February 2 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

m. At Hill and Dale, Andover (Victoria Co.) at residence of Hugh IRVINE, Esq., by Rev. D. Fiske, Samuel RITCHIE / Margaret A. GOLDING.


Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 98 Number 2426

Date February 25 1895
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph

A pleasant wedding took place at Andover (Victoria Co.) Wednesday eve. Jan. 23rd when Mrs. Margaret GOLDING was married to Samuel RITCHIE of Greenfield (Carleton Co.). The wedding took place at the residence of H.G. ERVIN, brother of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Fiske of Florenceville. (see original for guests and gifts)

RITCHIE, Samuel (I18446)
418 Marriage Notices:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 50 Number 988

Date February 11 1880
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper Weekly Telegraph

m. At residence of officiating clergymen, Rev. J.E. FLEWELLING, 29th ult., Samuel RITCHIE / Eleanor McKAY d/o James McKAY, Sr. both of Greenfield, Wicklow Parish (Carleton Co.)


Death Notice:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 85 Number 2330

Date October 7 1893
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

d. Greenfield (Carleton Co.) Oct. 3, of consumption, Eleanor Emeline RITCHIE, age 38, d/o James McKAY and w/o Samuel RITCHIE, left husband and son.

MCKAY, Eleanor Emeline (I18470)
419 Marriage Notices:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 95 Number 2298

Date February 2 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

m. At Hill and Dale, Andover (Victoria Co.) at residence of Hugh IRVINE, Esq., by Rev. D. Fiske, Samuel RITCHIE / Margaret A. GOLDING.


Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 98 Number 2426

Date February 25 1895
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph

A pleasant wedding took place at Andover (Victoria Co.) Wednesday eve. Jan. 23rd when Mrs. Margaret GOLDING was married to Samuel RITCHIE of Greenfield (Carleton Co.). The wedding took place at the residence of H.G. ERVIN, brother of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Fiske of Florenceville. (see original for guests and gifts)

IRVINE, Margaret (I18469)
420 Marriage Notices:

m. 19th inst., by Rev. F.W. Harrison, at the Parsonage, Eel River. John J. ROGERS / Miss Lizzie WOLVERTON both of Northampton (Carleton Co.)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 31 Number 563
Date July 29 1871
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
ROGERS, John James (I19362)
421 Marriage Notices:

m. 19th inst., by Rev. F.W. Harrison, at the Parsonage, Eel River. John J. ROGERS / Miss Lizzie WOLVERTON both of Northampton (Carleton Co.)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 31 Number 563
Date July 29 1871
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
WOLVERTON, Elizabeth (I19364)
422 Marriage Notices:

m. At residence of bride's father, 21st ult., by Rev. J. Gravinor, Seth C. SALMON / Miss Lillie B. MILES, both of Kent (Carleton Co.)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 65 Number 516
Date August 2 1886
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph


m. 21st inst., at residence of bride's father, by Rev. J. Graviner, Seth C. SALMON / Miss Lillie B. MILES, all of Kent (Carleton Co.)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 66 Number 242
Date July 31 1886
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
SALMON, Seth Cromwell (I17761)
423 Marriage Notices:

m. At residence of bride's father, 21st ult., by Rev. J. Gravinor, Seth C. SALMON / Miss Lillie B. MILES, both of Kent (Carleton Co.)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 65 Number 516
Date August 2 1886
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph


m. 21st inst., at residence of bride's father, by Rev. J. Graviner, Seth C. SALMON / Miss Lillie B. MILES, all of Kent (Carleton Co.)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 66 Number 242
Date July 31 1886
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
MILES, Lillie Belle (I17762)
424 Marriage Notices:

m. At residence of bride's father, Feb. 27th, by Elder D.E. Brooks, Asa A. BROOKS / Maggie E. BIGGER, both of Foreston (Carleton Co.)

Date March 24 1894
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 91 Number 169

Beaufort (Carleton Co.) March 18 - About two weeks ago a fashionable wedding was celebrated at the residence of Alfred BIGGAR, Esq. when his eldest daughter, Lizzie BIGGAR, was united in marriage to Asa BROOKS of DeWitt Ridge.

Date March 24 1894
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 91 Number 184
BROOKS, Asa Addington (I10650)
425 Marriage Notices:

m. At residence of bride's father, Feb. 27th, by Elder D.E. Brooks, Asa A. BROOKS / Maggie E. BIGGER, both of Foreston (Carleton Co.)

Date March 24 1894
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 91 Number 169

Beaufort (Carleton Co.) March 18 - About two weeks ago a fashionable wedding was celebrated at the residence of Alfred BIGGAR, Esq. when his eldest daughter, Lizzie BIGGAR, was united in marriage to Asa BROOKS of DeWitt Ridge.

Date March 24 1894
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 91 Number 184
BIGGAR, Margaret Elizabeth (I10651)
426 Marriage Notices:

m. Manse Richmond (Carleton Co.) Tuesday 27th inst., by Rev. K. McKay, B.A., Samuel HEMPHILL, jr. / Rebecca HEMPHILL second d/o Samuel HEMPHILL, Sr., both of Richmond

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 64 Number 395
Date October 31 1885
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel


m. Manse, Richmond (Carleton Co.) 27th Oct., by Rev. K. McKay, B.A., Samuel HEMPHILL, jr. / Rebecca HEMPHILL second d/o Samuel HEMPHILL, Sr., both of Richmond.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 63 Number 1814
Date October 31 1885
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph
HEMPHILL, Samuel (I19293)
427 Marriage Notices:

m. Manse Richmond (Carleton Co.) Tuesday 27th inst., by Rev. K. McKay, B.A., Samuel HEMPHILL, jr. / Rebecca HEMPHILL second d/o Samuel HEMPHILL, Sr., both of Richmond

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 64 Number 395
Date October 31 1885
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel


m. Manse, Richmond (Carleton Co.) 27th Oct., by Rev. K. McKay, B.A., Samuel HEMPHILL, jr. / Rebecca HEMPHILL second d/o Samuel HEMPHILL, Sr., both of Richmond.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 63 Number 1814
Date October 31 1885
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph
HEMPHILL, Rebecca (I19351)
428 Marriage Notices:

m. Manse, Glassville (Carleton Co.) 23rd inst., by Rev. J.K. Beairsto, Fred B. THOMAS / Miss Jennie B. LOVELY, both of Glassville.

Date December 29 1891
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper Saint John Globe
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 81 Number 1060

m. Manse, Glassville (Carleton Co.) 23rd ult., by Rev. J. Bearisto, Fred B. THOMAS, Glassville / Jennie B. LOVELY youngest d/o Benjamin LOVELY, same place.
Date January 2 1892
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 81 Number 2216

Death Notice:

d. Glassville (Carleton Co.) 1st inst., of la grippe, Jennie B. THOMAS, age 27, wife of Fred B. THOMAS and second d/o Benj. LOVELY and E. LOVELY.
Date February 6 1892
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 81 Number 2279
LOVELY, Barbara Jane (Jennie) (I11273)
429 Marriage Notices:

m. Manse, Glassville (Carleton Co.) 23rd inst., by Rev. J.K. Beairsto, Fred B. THOMAS / Miss Jennie B. LOVELY, both of Glassville.

Date December 29 1891
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper Saint John Globe
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 81 Number 1060

m. Manse, Glassville (Carleton Co.) 23rd ult., by Rev. J. Bearisto, Fred B. THOMAS, Glassville / Jennie B. LOVELY youngest d/o Benjamin LOVELY, same place.
Date January 2 1892
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 81 Number 2216


A sad drowning accident happened at Glassville (Carleton Co.) Thursday. Two young men, Harry HOME and Fred B. THOMAS, were swimming in Gilmore's mill pond, when Home suddenly sank. Mr. Thomas made every effort to rescue the drowning man, but faiing, ran for help, which, however, came too late and when the body was recovered life was extinct. He was about 22 years old and was the s/o Rev. John HOME of Glassville.
Date June 15 1895
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper The Gleaner
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 96 Number 1823

THOMAS, Fred Bryce (I11274)
430 Marriage record: 
LUNN, Enoch (I20103)
431 Marriage;

m. Baptist Parsonage, Centreville (Carleton Co.) 26th Nov., by Rev. George Howard, Matthew CALDWELL, Wicklow Parish / Miss Deborah COGSWELL, same place.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 33 Number 109
Date December 7 1872
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
CALDWELL, Matthew (I19852)
432 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I19853)
433 Marriage:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 10 Number 565
Date August 26 1842
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper Weekly Chronicle

m. Same day, by Rev. S.D. Lee Street, George REELEDER, Philadelphia, U.S. / Miss Elizabeth DOGHERTY of Woodstock (Carleton Co.)
REELEDER, George (I19534)
434 Marriage:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 10 Number 565
Date August 26 1842
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper Weekly Chronicle

m. Same day, by Rev. S.D. Lee Street, George REELEDER, Philadelphia, U.S. / Miss Elizabeth DOGHERTY of Woodstock (Carleton Co.)
DOUGHERTY, Elizabeth (I19535)
435 Marriage:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 61 Number 1481

Date June 28 1884
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph

m. At residence of Stephen ORSER, 23rd inst., by Rev. Joseph Noble, assisted by Rev. John Perry, Odber ORSER / Miss Eliza ACKERSON, both of Windsor. 
ORSER, George Odbur (I18890)
436 Marriage:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 61 Number 1481

Date June 28 1884
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph

m. At residence of Stephen ORSER, 23rd inst., by Rev. Joseph Noble, assisted by Rev. John Perry, Odber ORSER / Miss Eliza ACKERSON, both of Windsor. 
ACKERSON, Anna Eliza (I18891)
437 Marriage:

m. 21st Dec., at residence of officiating minister, Woodstock, by Rev. B. Colpitts, Norris R. BROWN / Miss Jennie E. GRANT, both of Brighton.
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 68 Number 1456

Date December 24 1887
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel


Marriage Notice 1892

The residence of John TEDLIE, Lower Brighton (Carleton Co.) was the scene of a wedding, Wednesday afternoon, when his daughter, Miss Ada TEDLIE and Norris R. BROWN were united in the bonds of matrimony. Rev. G.W. McDonald performed the ceremony. (see original for list of guests and wedding gifts)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 81 Number 2403

Date April 16 1892
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

BROWN, Norris Ransford (I11438)
438 Marriage:

m. 21st Dec., at residence of officiating minister, Woodstock, by Rev. B. Colpitts, Norris R. BROWN / Miss Jennie E. GRANT, both of Brighton.
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 68 Number 1456
Date December 24 1887
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel


Death Notice:

d. Lower Brighton (Carleton Co.) July 30th, Jennie C. BROWN w/o Norris R. BROWN, 24th year.
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 78 Number 1155
Date August 15 1891
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
GRANT, Jennie E. (I11441)
439 Marriage:

m. At residence of bride's father, 18th inst., by Rev. S.F. Huestis, James D. FLEMMING, Bloomfield / Sarah d/o James KIRKPATRICK of South Richmond (Carleton Co.)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 20 Number 2431
Date December 27 1862
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
FLEMMING, James Danforth (I20600)
440 Marriage:

m. At residence of bride's father, 18th inst., by Rev. S.F. Huestis, James D. FLEMMING, Bloomfield / Sarah d/o James KIRKPATRICK of South Richmond (Carleton Co.)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 20 Number 2431
Date December 27 1862
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
KIRKPATRICK, Sarah (I20601)
441 Marriage:

m. Windsor (Carleton Co.) 16th ult., by Rev. H.J. Shaw, Mirriam PROSSER / Miss Eva ELLIS, both of Windsor

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 64 Number 187
Date May 16 1885
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
PROSSER, Miriam Edo (I19054)
442 Marriage:

m. Windsor (Carleton Co.) 16th ult., by Rev. H.J. Shaw, Mirriam PROSSER / Miss Eva ELLIS, both of Windsor

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 64 Number 187
Date May 16 1885
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
ELLIS, Eveline (I19055)
443 Marriage:

Transcription of the Samuel Darkis and Jane McCain marriage record:
Samuel Darkis of the Parish of Wicklow and Jane McCain of the same place were married by license with consent of Father on Oct 31st 1872 by me /s/ Isaac Howie, Wesleyan Minister
This marriage was between us /s/ Samuel Darkis and Jane McCain
In presence of John Wiggin and Wm McClintock

Filed and registered this 28 day of April 1873
Acadia, Canada, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1670-1946 for Jane McCain
Bureau de Sante, Woodstock, 1862-1885
page 274, image 136 of 386.
MCCAIN, Jane (I20235)
444 Marriage:
m. Bristol (Carleton Co.) 9th inst., by Rev. D.E. Brooks, assisted by Rev. S. Sprague, Isaac PELKEY, Lansdowne / Miss Lilly BROOKS, Bristol.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 96 Number 300

Date October 19 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
BROOKS, Lillian (I12846)
445 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I13326)
446 Mary Smith (or Smyth) was born June 6, 1838 in Scotland. She married James Young, who was born August 20, 1828 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland, the younger brother of John Young. James and Mary came to Canada and settled in Glassville in 1864. They arrived with two or three young children, and more were born after their arrival. James was granted lot 57, south of Green Brook. His farm was later owned by Charles Porter and others. James and Mary lived the rest of their lives in Glassville. James died the 20th of April 1917, and Mary died the 6th of May, 1919. SMITH, Mary (I11715)
447 Matilda Reid Pender, the youngest daughter of James Pender and Margaret Pender (nee Reid) of New Jerusalem, Petersville Parish, Queens County, New Brunswick, was born 29 February 1832. Matilda married John Young December 8, 1868, the marriage taking place in Glassville at the home of her sister, Jane (Mrs. Hugh Miller).
John and Matilda Young lived in what was believed to have been one of the first “plastered” houses in Glassville, said to have been built by the Simpson’s and Pearson’s.
Matilda was considered a fine tailor due to her sewing skills. The family had sheep and she would collect the wool, wash it, wind it and spin it into yarn. She made blankets, yard goods, and men’s suits. She was also know for her beautiful quilts and cooking skills.
Matilda died at home in Glassville 15 April 1904. 
PENDER, Matilda Reid (I10634)
448 Military Service:

C.G.W.P - Canadian Great War Project
Canada at war
Private David Samuel Hemphill
View Attestation Image
Personal Information
Military Information
Research Information
Archival Information
Name: Hemphill, David Samuel
Date of birth: 1888-05-22
Place of birth: Debec New Brunswick Canada
Next of kin: Elizabeth Hemphill, mother. 12131 82nd Street, Edmonton, Alberta
Marital status: single
Occupation (attested): Farmer
Occupation (normalized): General Farmer
Address: 12131 82nd Street, Edmonton, Alberta
Religion: Presbyterian
Regimental number: 3206832
Highest Rank: Private
Rank detail
Private (Army).
Private (Army).
Private (Army).
Private, 50th Battalion, Infantry (Army).
Degree of service: Europe
Survived war: yes
LAC ID: 461932
Attestation record(s): image 1
Service file: B4244-S022 is available for download.
Uploader's Research notes: [Private Army Canadian Infantry 50th Battalion Private Army Canadian Infantry 21st Reserve Battalion Private Army Canadian Infantry Alberta Regimental Depot Private Army Canadian Infantry 1st Depot Battalion, Alberta Regiment ]
Date added: 2021-09-24
Last modified: 2022-03-19
HEMPHILL, David Samuel (I19345)
449 Minister of Glassville United Church 1948 - 1951 MCDOWELL, Samuel Melbourne (I15193)
450 Minister of the Glassville"Charge" 1931 - 1934 ARCHIBALD, Rev. John Douglas (I14772)
451 Minister of the United Church of Canada
President of Maritime Conference 1972
The Reverend Willard C. Picketts served at the Glassville United Church 1934 - 1936. 
PICKETTS, Willard Curtis (I15212)
452 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I11306)
453 moved to Caribou, Aroostook, Maine LYON, James George (I9923)
454 moved to Caribou, Aroostook, Maine LYON, John (I11414)
455 MRS. WILLIAM LYON - 1912
On Monday January 22nd. Mrs. Jane Lyon, wife of William Lyon died at her home in Glassville. Mrs. Lyon was born in Aberdeen, Scotland in 1838. A short time after her marriage she and her husband came to New Brunswick and settled in Glassville where they have lived ever since. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and her departure ls keenly felt by the whole community. Besides her sorrowing husband and friends she leaves five sons, Alexander and Albert of Glassville, James of Caribou, Maine, Dawson of South Africa, John of Caribou, and five daugh- ters; Mrs. Alexander Shannon and Mrs. Robert Hovey of Greenfield, Mrs. James Hovey of Argyle, Mrs. William Donaghy of Gardener, Me.and Mrs. Robert Blaisdell of Lynn, Mass-. There are also a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. M. H. Manuel. The body was laid to rest in the Presbyterian Ceme- tery.
TAYLOR, Jane (I10621)
456 Ms. Eva D. Wetmore, age 93, of Murray, Kentucky, died on Sunday, January 5, 2020, at the Anna Mae Owen Residential Hospice House in Murray.
Ms. Wetmore was born in Bath, New Brunswick, Canada, the youngest child of John K. McIntosh and Mabel (Dalling) McIntosh. Ms. Wetmore attended schools in Bath and Woodstock, New Brunswick and later graduated from Saint John General Hospital School of Nursing in 1948. She loved her profession of nursing and worked as a registered nurse for more than 50 years.
Ms. Wetmore is survived by two daughters, Carol E. Adams of Murray and Linda L. Crawford and husband John of Cadiz, Kentucky; three sons, David K. Wetmore of Columbus, Ohio, Thomas H. Wetmore and wife Shirley of Bath, New Brunswick, Canada and Ian C. Wetmore and wife Cathy of Long Island, New York; nine grandchildren, Angela D. Hartigan of Spring Hill, Tennessee, Shondelle Lewis of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, John "Tripp" Crawford of Cadiz, Kentucky, Christopher Wetmore of Columbus, Ohio, Brian Wetmore of Wheeling, West Virginia, Randy Wetmore of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Emily Fox of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Sarah Wetmore of Long Island, New York and Olivia Hercules - Wetmore of Columbus, Ohio; seven great-grandchildren; as well as two great-great grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, January 18, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. at St. John's Episcopal Church with burial to follow in the Memorial Garden in Murray, Kentucky.
Expressions of sympathy should be made to the Anna Mae Owen Residential Hospice House, 803 Poplar Street, Murray, Kentucky 42071.
Online condolences can be left at 
MCINTOSH, Eva Dalling (I10845)
457 Murdock McKENZIE, an old resident of Glassville, died Thursday last from the effects of a paralytic stroke that overcame him the previous Sunday. He leaves a wife and several children: Mrs. MARCY, Woodstock, Mrs. NIXON, Centreville, Mrs. MORRISON and Miss Ida McKENZIE, Fargo, Dakota, Roderick McKENZIE, overseer of the railway shops, McAdam and Murdock McKENZIE, night clerk of Hotel Atwood, Lewiston, Me. He was buried Sunday. Mrs. Marcy was unable to attend her father's funeral on account of her illness. All the other children were present except the two daughters in Dakota.

Date May 20 1896
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Dispatch

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 101 Number 2283 
MACKENZIE, Murdoch (I14163)
Date: 1937-06-06 (YYYY-MM-DD)
County: CARLETON, Parish: PEEL, Number: 7542, Reference: B4/1937
Microfilm: F20006, New Brunswick Archives, RS141


BANGOR - John "Hardy" Treadwell, 45, died Feb. 25, 2005, at a Boston hospital. He was born Jan. 30, 1960, in Bangor, the son of Howard and Laurel Treadwell. John graduated from Old Town High School, Class of 1978. He loved playing cards, going out to eat, and going to the movies. John started working at Paul's Restaurant when he was a teenager, and worked there for 28 years until their closing. He loved his family, and made a life-time of waiting on and caring for people. Surviving are his daughter, Cortney Lee Villa Treadwell; his fianc?e, Jane Reynolds; his mother, Laurel Treadwell; special grandmother to whom he was very close, Villa Hallett; brothers, Rick and his wife, Ann, George and his wife, Kelly Hardgrove, and Howard Jr. and his wife, Venise; sisters, Joanne and her husband, Brian Filtz, Patti and her husband, Danny McPheters, Lori and her husband, Peter Hamlin, and Ann Lucas; several nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles, and John's many customers/friends from Paul's Restaurant. He was predeceased by his father, Howard Treadwell; and a sister, Teri-Sue Mellott. A service of remembrance will be held noon Wednesday, March 2, 2005, at the Hermon Baptist Church, Rt. 2, Hermon, with the Rev. Garnett Chute, pastor, officiating. Relatives and friends are invited to share conversation and refreshments in the church fellowship hall immediately following the service. Memorial donations in John's memory may be sent to the Education Fund for his beloved daughter Cortney, care of Laurel Treadwell, P.O. Box 385, Stillwater, ME 04489. A service of Brookings-Smith Old Town Chapel, 205 Main St., Old Town.

Villa Marion (Martin) Hallett
At Ross Manor, Bangor, Maine on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 Villa Marion Hallett “Annie” of Bangor passed away at the age of 94. Born in Glassville on January 10, 1915 she was the daughter of the late William and Margaret (Reilly) Martin and wife of the late John Hallett.

She is survived by her children, Laurel Treadwell, Joan White (Jimmy) and Roger (Janet) Hallett, daughter in law Elaine Hallett, 14 grandchildren, several great grandchildren, sister in law, Frances (Martin) Seacord and numerous nieces and nephews that loved her very much.

She was predeceased by her parents, husband, John, 1 son Larry, 4 brothers, William Jr., Aubrey, Edward and Colin, 2 sisters, Hilda and Edith.

Visitation will be at L.R. Giberson Funeral Directors 207 Burnham Rd. Florenceville on Saturday, July 11, 2009 from 7-9 pm. A funeral service will be held on Sunday, July 12, 2009 at 1:00 pm from the L.R. Giberson Funeral Chapel with Rev. Keith Adams officiating. Interment will be in the Glassville United Cemetery. For those who wish, donations made to the NB Heart and Stoke Foundation, Canadian Cancer Society or the Glassville United Cemetery would be appreciated.
on-line obituary: 392-1115
Villa M. Hallett "Gram"
OLD TOWN - Villa M. Hallett, 94, wife of the late John L. Hallett, passed away peacefully July 8, 2009. She was born Jan. 10, 1915, in Glassville, New Brunswick, the youngest of seven children born to William and Margaret (Reilly) Martin. Villa enjoyed many careers and hobbies during her 94 years. She was a professional photographer and drove taxi during her early years in Mars Hill. She and her husband, John, later spent one winter in Connecticut, where she was a factory worker. They then returned to the Bangor-Brewer area, where she was a waitress for Miller's Restaurant. She enjoyed many hobbies, including her flower gardens, sewing and crocheting. She also enjoyed taking pictures and organizing her many photo albums, and making country and western tapes and sharing them during many get-togethers with her family and friends. She is survived by three stepchildren, Laurel Treadwell of Old Town, Joan White and husband, James, of Eddington and Roger Hallett and wife, Janice, of South Carolina; a daughter-in-law, Elaine Hallett of Glenburn; 13 grandchildren 25 great-grandchildren, 10 great-great-grandchildren; brother and sister-in-law, Herman and Beverly Hallett; sisters-in-law, Phyllis Wilson and Frances Secord; a very special niece, Edna and her husband, Irvin, of London, Ontario; nephew, Roy Martin and his wife, Marg, of St. John, New Brunswick; many great-nieces and great-nephews and their families. In addition to her husband, she was predeceased by her parents, six siblings; stepson, Larry W. Hallett; one very special grandson, John Treadwell; and one great-grandson, George "G3" Hardgrove. She will be greatly missed by all. Visiting hours will be held 7-9 p.m. Saturday, July 11, at L. R. Giberson Funeral Home, Florenceville, New Brunswick, where services will be held 1 p.m. July 12. Burial will be in Glassville, New Brunswick.

Published in Bangor Daily News on 7/10/2009
MARTIN, Villa Marion "Annie" (I345)
459 Name: Charles McMullen Burnham
Age: 74 yrs
Death: 23 Jan 1951, enroute from Carbon to Drumheller, Alberta; suddenly
Residence: farm, Carbon, Alberta
In Drumheller district: 35 yrs, pioneer of the district
Occupation: retired railroad man
Funeral service: 24 Jan 1951, the Chapel in the Valley, Drumheller, Alberta

Reference: "Charles M. Burnham", The Drumheller Mail, 24 Jan 1951; page 8. Web.


Alberta Deaths Index:
Name: Charles McMullen Burnham
Death: 23 Jan 1951, Drumheller, Alberta
Registration number: 001-366 
BURNHAM, Charles McMullen (I20567)
460 Naturalization: 6 Oct 1941

Death: "California, Death Index, 1940-1997," database, FamilySearch ( : 26 November 2014), Blanche Wilson Calderon, 03 Apr 1983; Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento. 
PHILLIPS, Blanche Wilson (I20832)
461 Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. <p>Birth Ledgers, 1904-1911. Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services. Lincoln, Nebraska.</p>
<p>Birth Index, 1912-1994. Nebraska State Library and Archives Commission, Lincoln, Nebraska.</p> 
Source (S521)
462 New Brunswick Marriage Records:
Date: 1949-10-26 (YYYY-MM-DD)
Parish: KENT
Number: 4412
Reference: B4/1949
Microfilm: F20055
MILLIE, Irvine Eugene (I4270)
463 New Brunswick Premier. Hatfield served as Premier of New Brunswick from 1970 to 1987. He was also a Member of the Provincial Legislature in 1961, leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick from 1969 to 1987, and a member of the Canadian Senate from 1990 until his death. Hatfield is best remembered for his part in helping to create the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and in helping to create equality between the province's Acadian minority and the English Canadian majority. A longtime ally of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, he was forced to resign as Premier due to scandals involving marijuana and allegations of homosexuality. Hatfield died of a brain tumor. He was posthumously awarded the Order of New Brunswick in 2002 by Queen Elizabeth II.

MLA Carleton County 1961-1987
Premier of New Brunswick 1970-1987
Member of Her Majesty's
Privy Council for Canada 1982-1991
Senate of Canada 1990-1991
HATFIELD, Richard Bennett (I20810)
464 New York City Department of Health, courtesy of <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Digital Images. Source (S423)
465 Newpaper Notices:

d. Oak Mountain (Carleton Co.) Nov. 26th, Eleanor BLACKIE relict of Anthony BLACKIE, 89th year, (Pictou, N.S. papers please copy)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 85 Number 2447
Date December 9 1893
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
BRADEN, Ellinor (I19443)
466 Newpaper Notices:

d. Oak Mountain, 19th inst., Anthony BLACKIE, 86th year, native of Pictou, N.S., but for the past 60 years a resident of New Brunswick. He left an aged partner, three sons, two daughters, 38 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 75 Number 1453
Date August 30 1890
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
BLACKIE, Anthony McLellen (I19442)
467 Newpaper Notices:

d. Oak Mountain, 21st ult., of diptheria, John SPEAR, age 29, left widowed mother.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 19 Number 2365
Date January 18 1862
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
SPEER, John (I19339)
468 Newspaper Notice:

d. Holmesville (Carleton Co.) 16th April, Asa KINNEY, age 62, left wife and large family. Funeral sermon preachged by Rev. M.P. Orser.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 56 Number 3339
Date May 21 1881
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
KINNEY, Asa (I15638)
469 Newspaper Notice:

d. Northampton (Carleton Co.) 2nd inst., of diphtheria, age 5, Eliza eldest d/o James and Catherine HEMPHILL.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 21 Number 2653
Date March 14 1864
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper Colonial Farmer
HEMPHILL, Eliza (I19428)
470 Newspaper Notice:

d. Northampton (Carleton Co.) 4th ult., Bessie W.G. GRAY, age 7 mos., child of Elisha GRAY and Hepsyby GRAY.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 35 Number 1745
Date July 4 1874
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
GRAY, Bessie W. G. (I20806)
471 Newspaper Notice:

d. Rockland (Carleton Co.) Nov. 14th, of typhoid fever, John W. SWIM, age 31, left an aged mother, two brothers, three sisters.

Date December 2 1893
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 85 Number 2437 
SWIM, John William (I16971)
472 Newspaper Notice:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 78 Number 159
Date September 9 1890
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Sun

m. At residence of bride's brother, 3rd inst., by Rev. C.T. Phillips, James W. BROOKS / Mary BULMER, Northampton (Carleton Co.)
BROOKS, James William (I12674)
473 Newspaper Notice:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 78 Number 159
Date September 9 1890
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Sun

m. At residence of bride's brother, 3rd inst., by Rev. C.T. Phillips, James W. BROOKS / Mary BULMER, Northampton (Carleton Co.)
BULMER, Dora May (I12675)
474 Newspaper Notice:

m. Hartland (Carleton Co.) 3rd inst., by Rev. S.W. Shaw, Edward SWIM / Miss Ida ROSS, both of Brighton
Date January 9 1892
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 83 Number 2028


m. Hartland (Carleton Co.) Jan. 3rd, by Rev. S.W. Shaw, Edward SWIM / Miss Ida ROSS, both of Brighton
Date January 9 1892
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 81 Number 2236
SWIM, Edward William (I17024)
475 Newspaper Notice:

m. Hartland (Carleton Co.) 3rd inst., by Rev. S.W. Shaw, Edward SWIM / Miss Ida ROSS, both of Brighton
Date January 9 1892
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 83 Number 2028


m. Hartland (Carleton Co.) Jan. 3rd, by Rev. S.W. Shaw, Edward SWIM / Miss Ida ROSS, both of Brighton
Date January 9 1892
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 81 Number 2236
ROSS, Ida Mae (I17030)
476 Newspaper Notice:

m. Upper Woodstock, 21st inst., by Rev. G.T. Hartley, Chas. SWIM, Brighton (Carleton Co.) / Theodocia CLARK, Peel.

Date December 28 1872
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 33 Number 122
CLARK, Mary Theodoshia (I16973)
477 Newspaper Notice:

m. Upper Woodstock, 21st inst., by Rev. G.T. Hartley, Chas. SWIM, Brighton (Carleton Co.) / Theodocia CLARK, Peel.

Date December 28 1872
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 33 Number 122 
SWIM, Charles Alexander (I16972)
478 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I20807)
479 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Living (I20808)
480 Newspaper Notice:

The residence of Elisha GRAY, Pembroke (Carleton Co.) was the scene of a pretty wedding eve. Feb. 6th. The contracting parties were his daughter, Olivia GRAY and Reuben ROBINSON of Lower Brighton. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. E. Sprague. (see original for guests and gifts)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 95 Number 2318
Date February 16 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
ROBINSON, Reuben Edgar (I20792)
481 Newspaper Notice:

The residence of Elisha GRAY, Pembroke (Carleton Co.) was the scene of a pretty wedding eve. Feb. 6th. The contracting parties were his daughter, Olivia GRAY and Reuben ROBINSON of Lower Brighton. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. E. Sprague. (see original for guests and gifts)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 95 Number 2318
Date February 16 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
GRAY, Olivia Della (I20793)
482 Newspaper Notices

m. Brighton (Carleton Co.) 3rd inst., by Rev. C.T. Phillips, Manzer ATHERTON, Woodstock / Lina McCLEREY, Brighton.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 74 Number 305
Date September 10 1889
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph


m. Brighton (Carleton Co.) 3rd inst., by Rev. C.T. Phillips, Manzer ATHERTON, Woodstock / Lina McLEARY, Brighton

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 72 Number 1995
Date September 14 1889
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

ATHERTON, Manzer A. (I14115)
483 Newspaper Notices

m. Brighton (Carleton Co.) 3rd inst., by Rev. C.T. Phillips, Manzer ATHERTON, Woodstock / Lina McCLEREY, Brighton.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 74 Number 305
Date September 10 1889
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph


m. Brighton (Carleton Co.) 3rd inst., by Rev. C.T. Phillips, Manzer ATHERTON, Woodstock / Lina McLEARY, Brighton

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 72 Number 1995
Date September 14 1889
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel


d. Lower Brighton (Carleton Co.), 2nd ult., Beatrice L. ATHERTON infant s/o Manzer ATHERTON and Lina ATHERTON, age 5 mos. 20 days. Its mother died leaving the child 12 days old, when it was adopted by Jarvis DAY and Jane DAY. (see verse)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 75 Number 1502
Date October 4 1890
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
MCCLEARY, Lina (I20916)
484 Newspaper Notices:

Bath (Carleton Co.) June 7 - R. KENNEY and Miss Maud HAMILTON were united in marraiage recently.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 82 Number 903
Date June 10 1892
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper The Gleaner 
KINNEY, Ransford Lee (I13805)
485 Newspaper Notices:

Bath (Carleton Co.) June 7 - R. KENNEY and Miss Maud HAMILTON were united in marraiage recently.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 82 Number 903
Date June 10 1892
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper The Gleaner 
HAMILTON, Maude Beatrice (I13806)
486 Newspaper Notices:

d. 2nd inst., Knowlesville (Carleton Co.) Thomas Fleming HEMPHILL s/o Wm HEMPHILL and Jane HEMPHILL, age 2 years 1 month 19 days.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 33 Number 34
Date September 21 1872
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
HEMPHILL, Thomas Flemming (I19465)
487 Newspaper Notices:

d. Florenceville (Carleton Co.) 8th ult., of whooping cough, Pearl Oliva DARKIS only child of Henry DARKIS and Thankful DARKIS, age 8 1/2 mos.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 62 Number 703
Date April 5 1884
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

DARKIS, Pearl Olivia (I20272)
488 Newspaper Notices:

d. Northampron (Carleton Co.) 10th inst., Robert H.G. HEMPHILL, of scarlet rash, age 12 years 7 mos. (see verse)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 34 Number 1507
Date September 20 1873
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
HEMPHILL, Robert H. G. (I19434)
489 Newspaper Notices:

d. Northampton (Carleton Co.) 12th inst., Janet GIBSON widow of Robert GIBSON, age 83, left eleven children. (see verse)

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 34 Number 1508
Date September 20 1873
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
CAMERON, Janet (I19436)
490 Newspaper Notices:

d. Northampton (Carleton Co.) 14th inst., Margery HEMPHILL w/o late Wm HEMPHILL, age 83.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 29 Number 1149
Date September 24 1870
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
KERR, Marjorie (I19346)
491 Newspaper Notices:

d. Oak Mountain, 21st July, Margaret SPEAR relict of John SPEAR, age 72.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 40 Number 1042
Date August 19 1876
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
HEMPHILL, Margaret (I19337)
492 Newspaper Notices:

d. Of heart disease, 12th Feb., at residence of her son, S.H. LOVELY, Old Town, Maine, Mrs. Catherine LOVELY, East Florenceville (Carleton Co.) age 74 years 1 day, left family of six children.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 42 Number 1693
Date March 17 1877
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
KENNEY, Catherine (I20590)
493 Newspaper Notices:

d. Wicklow (Carleton Co.) July 13, Betsy L. PARKER widow of Alexander PARKER, age 76 years 6 days, left four sons and five daughters. The funeral services were held in the F.C.B. House at Bath. Sermon by Rev. M.P. Orser, assisted by Rev. S.W. Bennison, Rev. D.E. Brooks and Rev. G.A. Giberson.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 101 Number 1805
Date August 1 1896
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel 
GIBERSON, Elizabeth L. (I13112)
494 Newspaper Notices:

d. Woodstock (Carleton Co.) 9th inst., John SPEER, age 78.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 11 Number 1626
Date August 19 1846
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper The Head Quarters
SPEAR, John (I19343)
495 Newspaper Notices:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 63 Number 1203
Date September 5 1885
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Telegraph

d. Greenfield (Carleton Co.) 30th ult., Margaret ANTWORTH wife of George ANTWORTH and d/o Charles RICHIE, age 43, left husband, six children.
RITCHIE, Margaret (I17879)
496 Newspaper Notices:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 91 Number 253
Date April 21 1894
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

m. St. Barnabas Church, Greenfield (Carleton Co.) April 15th, by Rev. J.E. Flewelling, rector of Wicklow, George W. RITCHIE / Maggie A. ANTWORTH third d/o George ANTWORTH, both of Greenfield.
ANTWORTH, Margaret Ann (I17875)
497 Newspaper Notices:

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 94 Number 2877
Date March 9 1894
County Saint John
Place Saint John
Newspaper The Daily Sun

Centreville (Carleton Co.) March 8 - On 7th inst., Edward L. WEST and Eliza Jane ANTWORTH eldest d/o George ANTWORTH of Wicklow were married at the parsonage by Rev. J.E. Flewelling. 
ANTWORTH, Eliza Jane (I19886)
498 Newspaper Notices:

Greenfield (Carleton Co.) June 26 - About 60 people were assembled at Robert WAKEM's, Greenfield to witness the marriage of William S. PETERSON to Jennie H. WAKEM. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.E. Flewelling, the bride being supported by her sister, Emma WAKEM and the groom by Gideon MERRITHEW. Ben PETERSON and lady looked pleased at obtaining another child at their old age. Elijah COSMAN, wife and daughter were also there. Robert Wakem was smiling, although he was losing the first of his family to marriage.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 96 Number 24
Date July 6 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel


m. At the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J.E. Flewelling, Rector of Wicklow, June 26, William S. PETERSON, Tracey Mills (Carleton Co.) / Jennie H. WAKEM d/o Robert WAKEM and Mary Ann WAKEM, Greenfield.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 96 Number 26
Date July 6 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel


Greenfield (Carleton Co.) July 6 - On Wednesday afternoon, June 20th, friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert WAKEM, Greenfield to witness the marriage of their second daughter, Jennie H. WAKEM to William S. PETERSON of Tracey Mills. The ceremony was performed by Parson Flewelling. The bride was attended by her sister, Emma WAKEM and the groom by Gideon MERRITHEW of Good Settlement.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 96 Number 657
Date July 10 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Dispatch 
WAKEM, Jennie Hammond (I20165)
499 Newspaper Notices:

Greenfield (Carleton Co.) June 26 - About 60 people were assembled at Robert WAKEM's, Greenfield to witness the marriage of William S. PETERSON to Jennie H. WAKEM. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.E. Flewelling, the bride being supported by her sister, Emma WAKEM and the groom by Gideon MERRITHEW. Ben PETERSON and lady looked pleased at obtaining another child at their old age. Elijah COSMAN, wife and daughter were also there. Robert Wakem was smiling, although he was losing the first of his family to marriage.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 96 Number 24
Date July 6 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel


m. At the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. J.E. Flewelling, Rector of Wicklow, June 26, William S. PETERSON, Tracey Mills (Carleton Co.) / Jennie H. WAKEM d/o Robert WAKEM and Mary Ann WAKEM, Greenfield.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 96 Number 26
Date July 6 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel


Greenfield (Carleton Co.) July 6 - On Wednesday afternoon, June 20th, friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert WAKEM, Greenfield to witness the marriage of their second daughter, Jennie H. WAKEM to William S. PETERSON of Tracey Mills. The ceremony was performed by Parson Flewelling. The bride was attended by her sister, Emma WAKEM and the groom by Gideon MERRITHEW of Good Settlement.

Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 96 Number 657
Date July 10 1895
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Dispatch 
PETERSON, William S. (I20166)
500 Newspaper Notices:

Knowlesville (Carleton Co.) May 25 - Mr. and Mrs. James GOODWIN, Reading, Mass., are here on a visit to her father, Joseph WHITEHOUSE.
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 78 Number 2514
Date May 28 1891
County York
Place Fredericton
Newspaper The Gleaner
WHITEHOUSE, Joseph (I13444)

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