Carleton County - Genealogy, Family History & Heritage

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Henry "Harry" Marchmont HOME

Henry "Harry" Marchmont HOME

Male 1868 - 1895  (27 years)

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  • Name Henry "Harry" Marchmont HOME 
    Birth 26 Apr 1868  Saint Andrews, Charlotte, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Burial 1895  Glassville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Death 12 Jun 1895  drowned, Esdraelon, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Patriarch & Matriarch
    John HOME
              b. 1829, Penicuik, Lothian, Scotland, United Kingdom Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 21 Dec 1898, Glassville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 69 years)  (Father) 
    Mary Cobham WHITE
              b. 20 Nov 1833, Scotland, United Kingdom Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 1921, Fosterville, York, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 87 years)  (Mother) 
    Person ID I14050  Carleton

    Father John HOME
              b. 1829, Penicuik, Lothian, Scotland, United Kingdom Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 21 Dec 1898, Glassville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 69 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Mother Mary Cobham WHITE
              b. 20 Nov 1833, Scotland, United Kingdom Find all individuals with events at this location
              d. 1921, Fosterville, York, New Brunswick, Canada Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 87 years) 
    Relationship natural 
    Family ID F8499  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 26 Apr 1868 - Saint Andrews, Charlotte, New Brunswick, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - 1895 - Glassville, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 12 Jun 1895 - drowned, Esdraelon, Carleton, New Brunswick, Canada Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Headstones
    m_Home.Mary Cobham White
    m_Home.Mary Cobham White

  • Notes 
    • Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 95 Number 2581
      Date June 15 1895
      County Carleton
      Place Woodstock
      Newspaper Carleton Sentinel

      Through A.G. LINDSAY the sad intelligence reached us that on Wedenesday, Harry HOME s/o John HOME of Glassville (Carleton Co.), age 23, was drowned while bathing in Gillmor's mill pond, Esdraelon (Carleton Co.). Verdict of jury at inquest held by Coroner Welsh, accidental drowning.
      Glassville (Carleton Co.) June 11 - On Wednesday 12th the sad intelligence was circulated that Harry HOME had met his death by drowning in the Esdraelon mill pond that day. It appears that he and Frederick THOMAS for whom with others he was working, went into the pond in an overheated state and the chilly water immediately struck Harry with heart paralysis or carmp and he sank in about 8 or 10 feet of water. Fred Thomas attempted to rescue him but in vain. This however was at last accomplisged by George GILLMOR who dived several times before he succeeded. When the deceased was brought to shore Fred MACLERINE was at once despatched for Dr. Welsh who was speedily on the ground and adopted all means of resuscitation but without effect. Squire Gillmor had driven of to Knowlesville for the father of the deceased, who was soon on the ground and made arrangements for the removal of the body to his home in Glassville, Perry FITZGERALD with his usual kindness volunteering his services for the sad duty. Owing to the hot weather the funeral was arranged for the next day. The body was taken to the parish church where the funera service was conducted by Rev. Fiske in the absence of Mr. Beairsto. After the benediction the casket lid, which bore the inscription, Henry Marchmont HOME drowned 12th June 1895 - aged 26 years' was partially opened and the people passed round the church taking a last fond look at the departed. Rev. Fiske officiated at the grave.
      Date June 19 1895
      County Carleton
      Place Woodstock
      Newspaper Dispatch
      Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 96 Number 636

      The deepest sorrow prevailed throughout our neighborhood Wednesday afternoon, 12th, when the sad news was circulated that Harry HOME had met his death by drowning in the Esdrealon mill pond. It appears that he and Frederick THOMAS, for whom with others he was working, went into the pond in an overheated state for a bath. The chilly water seems to have immediately struck the deceased with paralysis of the heart, or perhaps cramp and he at once sank to a depth of 8 or 10 feet. The body was recovered by George GILLMOR who dived several times before he succeeded. When the deceased was brought to shore, Frederick MacBRINE was at once despatched for Dr. Welch, who was speedily on the ground and adopted all the usual means for resuscitation, but without effect. The doctor believed the immediate cause of death was heart failure and being a coroner, at the request of A.G. LINDSAY (who with his father was on the ground), proceeded to hold an inquest and empannelled a jury. Meanwhile Squire Gillmor had driven off to Knowlesville for the father of the deceased, who on reaching the scene of the accident, made arrangements for the removal of the body to his home in Glassville, which Percy FITZGERALD carried out with his usual kindness. The funeral was arranged for the next day. Large crowds gathered to follow the remains to the Glassville Cemetery. After brief devotional execises at the house by Rev. Fiske, in the absence of Rev. Beairsto, the body was taken to the Parish Church. After benedictoion the casket lid, which bore the inscription, 'Henry Marchmont HOME, drowned 12th June '95, aged 27 years' was partially opened and the people passed round the church taking a last fond look of the departed. Rev. Fiske officated at the grave. The funeral arrangements were under John McIntosh.

      Date June 22 1895
      County Carleton
      Place Woodstock
      Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
      Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 95 Number 2602