Notes |
- Obituary:
The McIntosh family in Glassville (Carleton Co.) were deeply affected when on Saturday the 6th the sad intelligence reached them of the drowning while stream-driving of James GILLESPIE, nephew of Alexander McINTOSH, Robert McINTOSH and John McINTOSH, a promising young man, 21 years of age, who with a brother and three sisters, had been left an orphan 15 years ago, father and mother dying within a few months of each other. ... There were of course different flying reports as to the precise circumstances of James Gillespie's death. This version which your correspondent had from a lady, a connection by marriage of the deceased, seems to be the correct one, although possibly there may be some slight descrepancies even in it. James Gillespie was working on a bridge at Rumford Falls, Maine. On the 4th May, returning home from his work, he crossed a canal on a boom, preceded by a companion who was a short distance ahead. In some way or other in walking along the boom, he lost his footing and was precipitated into the canal, struggeled and sank. His friend missing him returned along the boom and reached the spot of the accident just as the body for a few moments came to the surface. He succeeded in laying hold of it and (with the help of others perhaps) dragged it from the water and had it conveyed to their boarding place. Professional assistance was immediately called in and two medical gentleman, after working away hard for a couple of hours, and applying all the usual restoratives, succeeded in restoring animation and bringing their patient back to life. For two days he hovered between life and death, succumbing to a severe attack of pneumonia. James Gillespie's remains were brought to Bristol by railway train on the morn of the 6th. They were forwarded to Glassville and in the eve. consigned to thie last resting place in our cemetery. Previous to interment an impressive service was held in the Presbyterian church. Rev. Fiske of Greenfield officiated.
Date May 20 1893
County Carleton
Place Woodstock
Newspaper Carleton Sentinel
Daniel F. Johnson : Volume 85 Number 2082