William Lyon was born on August 26, 1830 at Culvie in the Parish of Marnock, Banffshire, Scotland. His father was also William Lyon and his mother Isabella Smith. Jane Taylor was born in Dundee, Scotland on Apr.16, 1838. Her father was William Taylor and her mother Jessie Jinloch. William and Jane first met at Rothiemay, Banffshire, Scotland on May 8, 1853. They were married in Jane’s mother’s house in Aberdeen, Scotland by Rev. John Murray of Free North Church on June 06, 1857.
William Lyon was a Blacksmith for eight years at Forgie, not far from Kerth, Scotland. They cane to Canada and New Brunswick July 13, 1866 and settled first in Woodstock where Wm. worked as a black smith for three years. They then moved to Glassville where for many years Wm. was the village blacksmith and at the same time cleared land and farmed extensively. He died at Glassville July 13, 1918 and is interred in Glassville United Church Cemetery.
Mrs. William Lyon 1912
On Monday January 22nd. Mrs. Jane Lyon, wife of William Lyon, died at her home in Glassville. Mrs. Lyon was born in Aberdeen, Scotland in 1838. A short time after her marriage she and her husband came to New Brunswick and settled in Glassville where they have lived ever since. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and her departure is keenly felt by the whole community. Besides her sorrowing husband and friends she leaves five sons, Alexander and Albert of Glassville, James of Caribou, Maine, Dawson of South Africa, John of Caribou, and five daughters; Mrs. Alexander Shannon and Mrs. Robert Hovey of Greenfield, Mrs. James Hovey of Argyle, Mrs. Willian Donaghy of Gardener, Maine and Mrs. Robert Blaisdell of Lynn, Mass. There are also a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. M. H. Manuel. The body was laid to rest in the Presbyterian Cemetery.